What to Do During a Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and knowing how to handle them promptly can not only help you overcome a painful situation, but it can also help you preserve your oral health. 

Here are the most common dental emergencies and some tips on what to do if you experience them — as well as some tips on how you can prevent them.


A toothache can be excruciating and should be addressed immediately. Start by rinsing your mouth with warm water to clean the affected area, then floss gently to ensure there are no food particles causing irritation. Consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen — and/or a pain-relieving gel for your mouth — to help manage the discomfort until you can see a dentist.


Accidents happen, and a chipped or broken tooth can not only cause physical pain, but it can also be distressing if it affects your appearance. Begin by rinsing your mouth with warm water to clean the area. If there's bleeding, apply a clean piece of gauze for about 10 minutes to control it. Use a cold compress on the outside of the mouth to reduce swelling, and seek dental attention promptly. Bring any broken tooth fragments to your visit.


When a tooth gets knocked out, seek care right away. Hold the tooth by its crown (top) and avoid touching the root. Rinse it gently with water, but do not scrub or remove any attached tissue. Try gently placing the tooth back in its socket and biting down on a piece of gauze to keep it in place. If you can’t do that, store the tooth in milk or a tooth preservation kit until you can see a professional.


Losing a filling or crown can expose sensitive areas of your tooth, leading to discomfort similar to a toothache. Seek prompt dental attention to prevent further damage or infection. If your filling falls out, you can use over-the-counter dental cement or sugar-free gum to temporarily cover the area until you can see a dentist. If you lose a crown, try to place it back on the tooth using dental adhesive or toothpaste. 


An abscess is a bacterial infection that causes swelling and a pus-filled pocket near the affected tooth. It can also be accompanied by severe pain and fever. If you have an abscess, you might need antibiotics, so seek immediate care. Until then, rinse your mouth with a mild saltwater solution to help alleviate the pain. Then, apply a cold compress on the outside of your mouth to reduce swelling. 


While braces are durable, the metal wires and brackets can still break or stick out and poke your cheeks or gums. Fixing them will not only alleviate pain, but it will also help keep your teeth straightening efforts on track. If your orthodontics break, seek treatment immediately. Then, try to push the wire into a more comfortable position. If you can’t, cover the exposed end with orthodontic wax, a cotton ball, or a piece of gauze. Do not cut the wire, as you could accidentally swallow it.


While not all dental emergencies are totally preventable, following proactive oral care practices and making good lifestyle choices can greatly reduce their likelihood.

Consider these tips:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with flouride toothpaste and floss each day to help prevent cavities and gum disease.

  • Attend routine dental check-ups at least twice a year so your dentist can detect and address potential issues before they become emergencies. Professional cleanings during these visits will also help remove plaque and tartar, contributing to your overall oral health.

  • Wear protective gear (like a well-fitted mouthpiece) during risky physical activities like sports to help prevent injuries such as chipped or knocked-out teeth. 

  • Avoid bad oral habits, such as using your teeth as tools or chewing on ice or other hard objects, to prevent unnecessary stress on the teeth. Avoiding sugary snacks and beverages can also further support your overall oral health.

No matter the type of dental emergency, seeking prompt professional help is crucial. If you find yourself needing emergency dental care in the Ooltewah, TN area, the staff at White Oak Dental can help. Do you have questions about the emergency and other services offered at White Oak Dental? Click here to get answers or make an appointment.


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